One of Many

Monday, January 13, 2003


My birthday...what I consider my birthday, at least. Ten years ago, we were adopted, and most consider that day a sort of liberation. Since we do not really age as the Host does, some have chosen birthdays that do not match hers. Usually, these days are special to them, for whatever reason. Seeing as I am Guardian Protector, I chose this day, Liberation, as the day I celebrate.

This fucking pastor is ruining it, however. When we first met him, I was wary: we had just spent months being tormented by those "men of the cloth" who thought we were demons. Dwight was not too bad; Mike was a step worse...I am being kind. I do not believe Dwight thought us demons per se; I believe he thought we were fabricated, or simply manifestations of emotion. I tried to work with him. I did not ...

Let us continue this subject later.

As for the birthday, it was remembered secretly. The Host feels badly in remembering it. She seems to get the idea that remembering it means that she has not accepted the father as ours. I tell her she cannot change the past, and she becomes angry. The birth certificate was changed, and therefore she believes that the memory, the facts of the past, should be wiped clean. Perhaps that is why I adopted the date, in a sense. It is not one that should be forgotten.

Happy birthday, Nambiet, either way.


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