One of Many

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Losing patience.

Today the Host finally made her appointment to see a gynecologist. I nearly had to force her. I threatened to tell the parents of the miscarriage, knowing they would force her to go…it was then she relented. It will be Friday, 26 April.

In therapy, there have been some revelations that the Host has been unwilling to accept. These revelations are not new to her, per se…it is only that now, we have tried convincing her that these "dreams" and "visions" are really recollections. She is in such denial she will not even dare speak of it aloud. I have tried speaking to her about it; I have even thought of letting James speak to her, or Nicholas…though I think that may be too much. Bekah, perhaps. Bekah would have likely put things in a perspective that would be gentler.

The thing that aggravates me is this…she does not want to believe me. I have never really given her any reason to doubt me. What would be my reasoning in lying? When I asked her if she would rather speak to one of the others, she declined. I think she knows really…I think she knows and simply does not want to face it. I can understand that, but it is time. She cannot hide forever. How I would love to, but I cannot, and neither can she. I can shield her from only so much.


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