One of Many

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

In preparation.

In research we have found we are woefully unprepared for a time away in Europe. It will be far different from the normal road-trips to California we often take, for more reasons that one: California is a six hour drive away, the majority of citizens there speak English, and there simply is not that large a difference in many things. Things one rarely contemplates, such as food, electricity, transportation, currency...all will be different.

We have read that traditional luggage is far too cumbersome, and upon suggestion have bought large hiking backpacks that hold an immense amount, with pockets and such for nearly anything. We also found that cotton towels would do us no good as often drying facilities are not available in hostels, so we purchased microfiber towels. (Which are really quite amazing, how quickly one dries.) Then came the purchase of child passport covers, since if one is to steal a passport, they will want to steal one of an adult, and to have one's passport in a cartoon-filled plastic cover is said to discourage would-be thieves. Two voltage converters with plug adaptors, a cash and passport carrier to be worn under clothing, travelers' cheques, two Eurail passes, booking of a myriad of different hostels and flights, travel insurance...and on. We also made two copies each of our passports, itinerary, all hostel information, flight information, and Eurail confirmation numbers; one copy to remain in a separate place from all other important documentation, and one to remain here, in case our vital information is stolen, or lost. This, so the embassy overseas can better aid us, and more quickly.

One of the most useful things (aside from the voltage converters) was the fifteen dollar fee to have the mobile phone unlocked, so that it is open to all carriers overseas. It will act then, to allow all incoming and outgoing calls to be charged as local calls. I am told this is slightly underhanded, but not unlawful, and so that will work, for us. I still feel, however, that with all the research, we have forgotten something obvious nonetheless.


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