One of Many

Thursday, October 09, 2003

A tragic accident on the Strip.

Roy Horn and Siegfried Fischbacher have done more for the sixty-four white tigers and lions they keep at the Secret Garden Magical Habitat at the Mirage than any other human I can think of. They were close to extinct, from what I understand, and now their numbers have more than doubled. Before Roy lost consciousness Friday night (on his fifty-ninth birthday) he pleaded that the tiger not be harmed or killed. This, after not knowing if he would live, himself.

He is conscious, and able to communicate now, though the stroke he suffered has indelibly scarred him. The show has been cancelled. Steve Wynn (the "saint" that he is) offered the laid off employees first consideration for employment at his new casino, Le RĂªve, when it opens in 2005.

Roy Horn is currently a patient at the University Medical Center in Las Vegas. As far as I know, they are accepting cards and words of condolence, so far as I have heard.

Roy Horn seems to be a compassionate man. He does much for the World Wildlife Foundation and for animals in general. He also donates incredible amounts to children's resources. A side-note: Roy is the only one the tigers allow to touch their cubs at birth. There is immense trust shown in that.


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