One of Many

Wednesday, September 10, 2003

Have I a soul?

What is a soul, exactly? Of what is it comprised?

The Host's fiancé noted that he would accept me (more or less) if only I had a soul. I was enraged of course...I thought he was playing at mindgames. But then as the conversation continued, I realized that he truly believed what he said.

How can we exist without souls? Does it matter if I have one of my own, or if we have a collective soul? Is a soul given by divine right, or is it simply a euphemism for "life"?

The fiancé, Tannah, told us that God creates human life in His image: specifically, a single body, a single soul. (Never mind the Trinity...) Tannah further explained that God did not create us, that he believes that God allowed us to split from the Host as a temporary answer to a temporary problem. (Temporary?) Therefore, I asked him, "If we are not born of God, then why is it desirable to be Christian? What would be the point of praying if God will not answer? What would be the point of practicing and holding true all the doctrine if we are not to enter Heaven?" His reply: "Once you integrate, then you'll just be in Heaven with the Host when she goes."

What a fucking cop-out. Really now.

Of course, I have yet to find multiplicity defined in the Bible, or explained satisfactorily, or even mentioned. That is most likely the reason we are so often accused of being demons.

I do not wish to give up my is something in which I have--until recently--found great comfort. However, I am exceedingly discouraged. The Bible makes it very sparkling clear that a man's soul must be saved. If I have no soul, then what is to become of me? Is integration really the only way to continue on? If so, that would be a most cruel joke.


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