One of Many

Friday, June 25, 2004

She misunderstands.

We were speaking with the sister just the other night...yesterday, perhaps. I really was not paying attention. Bruyère was discussing aspects of our past to the sister, who is trying to understand. Granted, the sister had issues as well growing up, but she had an altogether different experience. Part of her doubts that it "was really that bad", I know; she will not say it, she dares not, but I can see it in her.

Bruyère spoke briefly about Zillah--no details, of course, as she is still coming to understand--and suddenly the sister screamed, "Well yeah, I guess you really did have all that shit, because if you didn't then that stupid bitch--" meaning Zillah "--wouldn't be here." Bruyère tried to explain about Zillah having been conditioned, and her age. The sister would have none of it. She retorted, "Well you had it easy, you had all these others to deal with it and share the load. I have just me."

It took all of my being to restrain myself from screaming right back at her. It was never fucking easy, never once. I despised those years, every waking moment was a struggle and to be true, it still is much of the time. There is always some goddamn crisis, always a new memory, or a suddenly re-emerged one, or sightings of those fucking Rahkas, damn it all, I have never fucking had it easy. It was a rude and inappropriate comment with no forethought. She must learn that she cannot merely say whatever she pleases and not face consequences. The question is: how does one make that point known to her? I am angry but not unreasonable.


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