One of Many

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

A day in the life.

Today was a rather easy day at work. We were verifying conduit, and spent much of the day reading blueprints and using immense amounts of duct tape.

However, things became far more complicated at the end of the shift: Las Vegas Boulevard South was completely closed off for several blocks. At first we assumed a film crew was working on something, and then thought perhaps the demolition crews were getting ready to finish the implosion at the Desert Inn. As we got closer to the construction garage, we noticed dozens of Metro squad cars, ambulances, fire-trucks, and a few unmarked white vans. No one was allowed to retrieve personal vehicles except at ten workers at a time, and those parked at the Stardust were told they would not be allowed to even cross to stow their belongings. The Frontier was being evacuated, and traffic was being rerouted to avoid the entire area. Most of us were caught between curiosity and a mild apprehension.

SWAT team members there told us it was a bomb threat...something not unheard of on the Strip, but still, it was odd. Especially since both the Frontier and the Stardust are older would think any would-be terrorist or the like would choose a larger, newer, better-known casino. Hopefully, this is a silly childish prank.

In other, completely unrelated news, we have abstained from any intentional self-harm in nearly a week. I now assume that the sudden descent into the Spiral was only temporary...a good thing.


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