One of Many

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Perception of definition.

There are many reasons I try to be concise in my speaking. One of them is the exact inferrance of meaning. When speaking or writing, I am mindful of my words and how they may be understood, or misunderstood. I find myself strict on exact definitions, and loose interpretations are not well-recieved.

Recently I became entangled in a debate regarding sensitive terminology. The terms themselves were related to criminal conduct. My friend gave an interpretation that I found far too liberal, to the point of being misleading. I gave the legal definition as is understood in the court system in this nation, and I do believe my friend became offended. I am not absolutely certain why, but I daresay it may have to do with the fact that this precise definition does not allow for other, similar crimes to be considered with that same severity. Not to say these crimes are not as heinous, but I believe that some believe these other crimes, defined as such, may seem to be lesser crimes to the public at large, therefore minimizing the effects of such crimes.

I meant no such thing. I meant only that to use incorrect terms in any instance can lead to confusion and even to inadvertant misunderstanding. I stand by my belief in this.


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