One of Many

Sunday, December 07, 2003

Disgusted and appalled.

My, I have a few words to say on this subject.

We are working at a casino which, for privacy reasons, shall remain unnamed. This week they are hosting the Miss Rodeo America Pageant, and it has annoyed me so deeply.

First, the contestants must constantly walk about in their little outfits, smirking and making snide comments about "dirty construction workers". The fact that their supposed rodeo-acceptable outfit consists of sequined blouses and leather fringe-trimmed pants makes me wonder what kind of candy-ass rodeo they plan on being a part of. Really. No real cowgirl or rodeo participant wears that.

Secondly, our tools, material and gang-boxes were removed from the site, because seeing proof that construction was occurring was apparently offending some of the guests....we are asked to perform work, and then not given any of the means necessary to do so. Our supplies were taken across the casino, so every time a power tool was needed, or a ladder, it took fifteen minutes to retrieve it...then, we were chastised for wasting time. it would not be so bad if we had even five feet of space in which to store commonly-needed items, but all we could keep were what would fit in our hands and personal tool pouches.
Utterly ridiculous.

Lastly, the Miss Rodeo America was in turn hosting a preview of the Miss Little Britches Rodeo Pageant. This is basically the same thing, but for young girls. It angered me every time I saw a child, no older than six or so, eyelashes encased in mascara and little pouty lips bright with lipstick, posing provocatively for cameras, all the while reciting well-rehearsed lines for the media and remaining emotionless as over-zealous mothers screamed about a curl out of place, or a smile not "genuine enough".


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