One of Many

Sunday, February 01, 2004


Super-bowl Sunday. American football is not my sport of choice, but I must say if I were forced to choose, I would pick the Patriots. We shall see, I suppose.

I unsubscribed to that mailing list. It was far more difficult than I had initially anticipated. There are dozens subscribed to this list, on whom I have grown to depend in a small way. Such strength and humor exuded; I found it a bright point in my day to check my e-mail account and read through the happenings, good or bad, that had occurred, or were occurring. I miss that. I want desperately to return.

I had joined the forum at first, primarily as a diversion. I knew that Sulekhi had enjoyed it, and after the ban had been imposed, I wanted to maintain contact with the Outside, so to speak. And in that, I forged friendships…something still rather foreign to me. I hope my return is swift.


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