One of Many

Wednesday, January 14, 2004

Moments, throughout.

Firstly, thank you to everyone for the birthday wishes. I did not expect that, which made that day even better.

Today was an odd day; this is indeed a rant, though it is a good-natured one, because most of it was foolishness, and nothing to really become angered over.

I woke up this morning to check e-mails, and after going to Hotmail's main website, I saw that the Host had logged on to the Spanish-language version of MSN, and had forgotten to log out. I do not mind it when she does that, of course...not for the most part. However, being that I cannot read Spanish, it was rather frustrating, and she giggled when I told her I needed help. I think she assumes that everyone Inside is bilingual in Spanish, because she is. However, in reality, there are only two Inside who speak it at all. I am not the minority in this.

I should be honest here: as much as I like to pretend I do not and have not cut, it is a slight misrepresentation of the truth. I am not usually the active participant, but I do oversee the act at times. Today was one of those times. The Host has been absorbing some of my negativity, unfortunately, and has been cutting "accidentally-on-purpose" quite often. Meaning, she will purposely allow something to happen at work, so it seems that it was not self-inflicted. Carelessness near the tie-wire, or being too rough with tin-snips, for instance. However, today she went rummaging in our private first aid kit and found a #22 scalpel blade we thought had gone missing. Immediately she excused herself to the restroom and made a ghastly wound, at the inner wrist. Of course it was stupid; it took quite awhile to stop the bleeding and then, the wound was not fully covered by our work gloves. Therefore, even though it was warm today, we had to put on a pair of thermals so the long sleeves could hide it. And now, I wonder, how she is going to explain this to the fiance?

Of course, it is partially my doing; I knew her intent, and I could have easily put an end to it. I held my tongue, and was viciously reminded how much I sometimes miss it. It is much like a tentative, burning kiss.

Enough of that now...I do not want to be tempted again.


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