One of Many

Monday, May 17, 2004

Doubt, paranoia: action.

Yes; it has been quite awhile, has it not?

Things were "touch-and-go" for a few weeks, as Niven likes to say. I have my moments, as we all do, or paranoia and doubt. I am affected by the past and the triggers that bring events forth as much as anyone here. I am glad that things have settled Inside to a point that I may once again be an active contributor to this site.

I am not certain why this occurred, exactly. I had been pressuring Bruyère to be more productive in therapy for several weeks, as it is infuriating to see twenty dollars a week go toward an hour of nonsense. And, to my surprise, she listened: Bruyère actually broke new ground, frightening and unlevel ground. I was woefully unprepared.

I had posted in my journal weeks prior of the Shadows; how they watch, listen.

How we were slaves to them.

I digress...

I began seeing them, in both dreams and in my waking moments. I was positive they knew that we were divulging forbidden secrets. I was absolutely certain that, somehow, they would come for us. It kept me in a feral panic-stricken state for most of the time I have been absent. I was non-functioning, and being quite adept at it.

In the meantime, Mjollnir (one of ours who is rather crude, and uncouth) was wreaking havoc. After a few personal attacks I knew I had to take action and, as a result, I have risen from my slough of despondency. Rules Inside were revised, and in some cases, rewritten completely. Hopefully, things will run more smoothly. I believe it was merely that everyone's needs were not being met. We are now in the process of organizing a Parliament of sorts, to work in tandem with the Council here. And, at Siroun's suggestion, we will have one for the small ones as well, called Groupthink, that will be moderated by myself. I am excited at this new challenge that will bring us closer to full cooperation.

That is all for now; be well.


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