One of Many

Thursday, May 08, 2003

A lesson in stupidity.

In all honesty, I try to keep my anger in check. I know that becoming volitile will do nothing to aid in any situation.

However, our Host has been acting out of pure stupidity these past few days...mainly, she does not know how to keep her damn mouth shut. She is becoming entirely too comfortable nestled here behind the computer screen, saying things she ought not discuss.
For instance, her fiance has a cousin who is nearly fifteen years old. Yesterday on Instant Messanger, the Host told this girl details of our past, morbid and graphic things that should not have been said.
Needless to say, this girl became uncomfortable and said she did not want to hear any more, and (of course) the Host suddenly became depressed and felt very sorry for herself. She pleaded with me to fix am I to do that? Lie, and say it was fabricated? The damage was done.

Today, another incident occured. Speaking with a mutual friend of ours, our Host mentioned something about the fiance's friend having acquired Japanese-animation-style pornography. Without getting into details, the Host went on to say innappropriate things to our friend in explanation, who was obviously made uncomfortable by the discussion. Again, the Host pleaded with me to make it boggles the mind.

I am not a servant to do her bidding. She cannot make mistakes and expect me to come behind her to mend it all. Sometimes, I truly feel used. This has gotten worse lately, within the past few months, where she wants me to "take over" as it were so she will not have to go through any unsavory experiences. It is sheer indolence. She does not want to, so she sends me to take care of what she will not. She knows I will feel responsible and act accordingly. What the fuck is the matter with her?


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