One of Many

Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Sunscreen and sweat.

That, ladies and gentlemen, is the smell of progress. Those scents pervaded the air today; something not entirely unpleasant. The weather is warm again, and we are trying to finish digging the underground trenches before the heat becomes unbearable. Therefore, most everyone involved with the underground aspect of this job is working at least fifty hours a week to compensate. It is hard labor, I shall not lie;
but after the pour-watch, and the concrete has set, it is good to know that yet another aspect of the job at hand has been completed.

I enjoy our work as a tradesman not only for the excitement, but for the feeling of accomplishment. Every time we finish a job, I can look back and see, for years to come, the quality of my work. It can be humbling at times, to know that so much rests on one's focus and attitude, but it is the same with any job, really.

I debated whether or not to plunge into a verbose description of what has been occuring as of late, but I am still weary, and much of it would be redundant.


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