One of Many

Saturday, November 04, 2006


I find myself thinking back to this, yet again. The events in the Reformatory are ones few would want to know, really. Many of those incidents I expected. Some, I did not. Were it that I could relate them with no tether to emotion, then it would be easier. Instead i find that there come times that I want to write of it, simply to purge myself of it, but I know that is bother dangerous and, as I said before, weak. I know you do not agree. When I discuss incidents that have occured to the body it
feels less invasive; I was there, but I can say that it occured to the body, and not to me. Not all Inside use that distinction, but I find it helps. It is less intense.

I have decided to take a leave. If I do, it would be to investigate. The Rahkas are reputed to come through a gate, and I believe Piers originally came from that same gate. Malcolm insinuates that he knows of others, as well. I need to learn of it, where it is, the purpose and if necessary, how to destroy it. This, of course, would take quite a lot of time to implement but I believe it a necessity.

And yet, even as I plan this, I know instead that it will likely not come to pass. My duties will come first, as always, and the battle to come will occupy me. Perhaps that is my problem: I allow myself to be overcome by such events in an effort to avoid others. I know it is a fault but comparatively to other faults I own, it is decidedly minor.


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