One of Many

Friday, May 30, 2003


I am feeling odd...not upset or ill or hazy, per se. This is more of a feeling of no direction. I feel restless, a sense of wanderlust. Of course I dare not give into that again, not for a long while.

I feel...almost as if I am on the brink of something momentous. I am trying not to read too much into this, but a similar wave of "je ne sais quoi" has hit us before. I would say it is something akin to a sudden enigma. It happens almost exclusively when something Inside is unlocked, and we are hit with some incredible shred of previously unknown information, something that is to mold us in inexplicably into something greater.

It makes sense could I have been so foolish? The sudden disappearance of so many of the Collective was apparently a way to "clean house", so to speak. It doesn't make it any easier to accept, but at least there was reasoning behind it. I recall the last time this happened: I was so busy taking care of necessary business, I found myself neglecting some of my original duties.

Perhaps this was a blessing, as some have pointed out to me. Perhaps this has freed me from unnecessary obligations. I am now regarding this with anticipation, but no longer dreading it. If this happened, and it did, then it will be as it should be, and--so far--it is.

I have a general idea what this might be regarding, but I shall not worry, and simply let it happen.


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